DIRECTIONS: We are located in Milford, Connecticut off Exit 40 of I95.
NORTHBOUND: Turn left off exit 40 onto Old Gate Lane and go 0.35 miles to light. Turn right onto Woodmont Rd. Pepe's Farm Rd is the 1st right after the railroad overpass. We are 1/2 mile down the road on the right.
SOUTHBOUND: Turn left off exit onto Woodmont Rd. Proceed 0.6 mile to railroad overpass. Turn right after overpass onto Pepe's Farm Rd. Go straight ahead and we are 0.5 miles down on the right.


ADDRESS: 132 Pepe's Farm Rd. Unit 8. Milford, CT 06460-

PHONE: 203-878-8100

HOURS: M-F 9:30AM to 6:00PM


Dave Zinovenko - technical information
Marie Zinovenko - business information