Photographer/Studio Sample Checklist For New Events


You may use this form as a checklist for each event you submit for online hosting. The items are listed in order of importance. If you have already customized your galleries then only the first few items will have to be changed each time


You may download, print out this form and return it to us with your images.


1. Photographer/Studio name:________________________________________________   2. Event name:_______________________________


3. Event date:_______________________ 4. Event password (if any):___________________  5. Total number of images in the event:________


6. Do you want to disable fulfillment? __________If "yes" you will only get an email list of items ordered which you must fulfill yourself.


7. Do you want to divide the event into sections? ________ if "yes" then you must title each section and indicate which images belong

   together.  You may easily divide the files by grouping them into named folders. Or sort by time stamp and indicate the starting and

   Ending file for each section.


8. Specify discount coupons (if any): _________________________________________________________________________________________

                                                            e.g. code: "abcd" - $10 off     or     "1357-bc" - 20% discount or "free" = free


9. Describe any new special products you want to offer:________________________________________________________________________




10. General products:


                Size           Color     B&W     sepia     1st print price      2nd print price (optional)


                3½x5          ____       ____      ____       ____________                _____________


                4x5             ____       ____      ____       ____________                _____________


                4x6             ____       ____      ____       ____________                _____________


                5x7             ____       ____      ____       ____________                _____________


                8x10           ____       ____      ____       ____________                _____________


                11x14         ____       ____      ____       ____________                _____________


                16x20         ____       ____      ____       ____________                _____________       All:______    Selected:_________


                _______     ____       ____      ____       ____________                _____________       All:______    Selected:_________


                Package    ____       ____      ____       ____________               _____________        All:______    Selected:_________



                Assortment 1   Items:_________    Name:_________________________  Description:________________________________________


                Assortment 2   Items:_________    Name:_________________________  Description:________________________________________


                Assortment 3   Items:__________  Name:_________________________  Description:________________________________________


                Assortment 4   Items:__________  Name:_________________________  Description:________________________________________



General discounts:      By multiples of same file, % only:_______________________________________________________________________

                                                                                                                     e.g. 2 copies = 5% discount         5 copies = 10% discount   etc

                                                                                                     (DON'T FORGET THAT A 2ND PRINT PRICE MAY ACCOMPLISH THE SAME THING)


                                         By total order cost:____________________________________________________________________________________

                                                                                  e.g. $50 or more = 5% off       $100 or more = 10% off   $200 or more = $30 off   etc